After months of fantastic conversations we were thrilled to receive a cascade of inspiring project submissions coming forward. We will be announcing the four projects we are moving forward with in the new year, so for now, here are some new exciting collaborations that have formed from the project.

Pride in Paulton are in conversation with the local Prince’s Trust, who work with local young people build confidence, learn new skills and start a career, and they are planning a potential collaboration for the new year. The Prince’s Trust will also continue to build on the work with Somer Valley Rediscovered, whose exciting land management and conservation volunteer days will launch in the new year. To get involved, check out the Somer Valley Rediscovered website.

Free Rangers Nursery continue plans to establish a public community growing space on site and is getting advice from Avon Wildlife Trust’s free Team Wilder Ecological Advisory Service (TWEAS), which is available to members of the public. Radford Mill Farm are busy establishing a wildlife corridor across their land, also in conversation with the Ecological Advisory service regarding managing their hedgerows. Meanwhile the Somer Valley Growing Community in Midsomer Norton are seeking guidance from TWEAS on how to ensure their newly planted community orchard and wildlife pond can best benefit wildlife. If you want advice on how to best manage a patch of land for nature, search TWEAS Avon Wildlife Trust, or email Rhea.

There is a team of local people interested in coming together to manage Himalayan Balsam in the area. This non-native and invasive species growing up to 3m tall out-competes native understory vegetation and can undermine riverbanks when it dies off in the winter months, causing erosion. If you are interested in supporting this effort, Rhea can forward on your details to the others.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who has been in touch, met with us, and shared your enthusiasm. We are going into the festive break feeling very inspired.

If you are interested in getting involved in the Nextdoor Nature Somer Valley project in the New Year, reach out to Rhea. [email protected], 07421226080.

The Nextdoor Nature Somer Valley Team