Kilmersdon Gardeners meeting on 12th July at 7.30pm, Kilmersdon Village Hall BA3 5TD: Oliver Jones, a local gardener, will be giving Kilmersdon Gardeners a talk on Wednesday, 12th July, in Kilmersdon Village Hall, BA3 5TD, starting at 7.30pm on Organic Gardening – Working with Nature.

Oliver will be talking to us about all aspects of the soil including its composition, properties, benefits and how to look after it to bring out the best in your garden.

Members are also being asked to bring a potted plant, indoor or outdoor, which has been in their possession for six months, to enter into our competition.

Visitors and new members are always welcome, doors open at 7.15pm when refreshments will be available as well as the raffle.

We look forward to this very topical talk that will be of benefit to us all.

To find out more about Kilmersdon Gardeners, visit their website:; or find them on Facebook: Kilmersdon Gardeners.

Judith Stanford