The coppice of trees known as 'The Plantation' which is enjoyed by the community has brought together a range of local people who share a passion to care for the land and wildlife that lives there.

Having had support over the past year from the Nextdoor Nature Somer Valley project, Writhlington folks are beginning to organise self-led work and play sessions under the beautiful trees. They recently gathered to mulch the paths, plant bulbs and paint the entryway sign.

At a previous session with the Avon Wildlife Trust, they learnt about the nighttime neighbours who share this space, including bats, who swoop below their branches at dusk, and hedgehogs that snuffle at their roots and nestle up to hibernate in quiet corners among fallen leaves. They will also be installing hedgehog houses and bat boxes built by local residents.

People who live locally and wish to be involved, or might be able to offer support in another way, are asked to email the local project officer, [email protected].