A Bath pub that gained notoriety for booting out the Labour leader could swell in size.
Plans from the Raven would see it take over the grade II*-listed former Pritchards estate agents next door to serve the city’s “exceptionally unique” clientèle.
The traditional Queen Street pub hit national headlines in April when one of the landlords, Rod Humphris, clashed with Sir Keir Starmer over lockdown restrictions and his “failure” to hold the Government to account. Co-owner Tim Perry said the views did not reflect those of the Raven.
The plans say the vacant Georgian premises have been marketed for a year with no serious offers to occupy them as office space so the proposal is the optimum viable use.
According to its website, the former bazaar opened as a wine vault in 1864, was a favourite watering hole for
pilots during the Second World War. It became the Raven in 2004. B&NES Council will consider the application, reference 21/05204/FUL.
S. Sumner, LDRS