A campaign and support initiative has been launched in Bath and North East Somerset in response to the worrying rise in religious and faith-based hate crimes nationally.

Across the UK there has been a disturbing increase in hate crimes against people because of their religious beliefs.

Nathan Hartley, director of the Bath and North East Somerset Faith Foundation, said: “Religious or faith-based hate crimes have been increasing for the last six years.

“The 2010 Equality Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone because of religion or belief, or because of a lack of religion or belief.

“In response, the Bath and North East Somerset Faith Foundation is launching a new advice service that will provide help and support to those who have experienced abuse due to their religious beliefs, but need additional support when reporting it to the police and other authorities.

“No one should have to suffer from hate for their beliefs, every person has the right to believe in any faith or no faith.”

In 2022/2023, the Home Office’s Annual Hate Crime Statistics show there were 5,627 religious or other faith-based Hate Crimes across the UK. From this figure, 45 per cent of religious hate crimes recorded by the police were against muslims. 22 per cent were anti-semitic in nature; 9 per cent were anti-christian with 16 per cent of offences being recorded as ‘unknown’.

Most incidents reported to police include verbal abuse, threatening behaviour, harassment and offensive language. The police have recorded 50 per cent of hate crimes as public order offences (for example, causing fear, alarm or distress) and a further third (36 per cent) were for violence against the person offences.

“Everyone and anyone should have the freedom to follow or subscribe to any religious tradition they like, or none at all!”, added Nathan, “we hope our new support service will go a long way to help those who need that extra helping hand when reporting a hate crime to the police.”

The Bath and North East Somerset Faith Foundation is now providing support to victims of faith-based hate crimes across the district, both at the initial stage of reporting them to the police – through to securing a conviction in court against the offender.

For more details, residents can contact the Bath and North East Somerset Faith Foundation by emailing [email protected]