Residents at the Rush Hill Mews Care Home in Bath celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday, June 6, thanks to a party put together by staff and carers.

The special evening included a lantern lighting ceremony followed by fantastic entertainment provided by the ‘D-Day Dollies’, who had everyone enthusiastically singing along and waving flags patriotically.

They were joined by the Chairwoman of Bath & North East Somerset Council, Cllr Karen Walker, and her colleague Cllr Gavin Heathcote.

Karen said: “Well done to the staff at Rush Hill Mews Care Home for organising such a wonderful and uplifting event.

“We can never forget the sacrifice that those brave men made 80 years ago in defence of our freedoms. 

“The annual celebration and recognition of D-Day every June reminds us of just how incredible British military personal, along with our allies, were in 1944. We can never thank them enough.”

D-Day, June 6, 1944, was the largest invasion ever assembled in the history of warfare. 156,000 Allied troops landed by sea and air on five beachheads in Normandy, France.

D-Day was the start of Allied operations which would ultimately liberate Western Europe, defeat Nazi Germany and end the Second World War a year later in May 1945.