DOZENS of people gathered at a charity clinic for the the launch of a ‘Guide to Living Well with Dementia’ in Bath on June 27.

The guide was launched by ReMind UK (formerly RICE) at an event attended by more than 60 guests at the charity’s Memory Clinic and Research Institute for Brain Health in Bath.

The event was attended by people including the Mayor of Bath, Councillor Michelle O'Doherty, who toured the facility and learned about the charity's work in supporting people with dementia.

The mayor toured the ReMind UK Centre at the Royal United Hospital site, meeting with guests including individuals with dementia, carers, staff, and volunteers.

During the visit, attendees learned about the charity’s memory clinic, the Research Institute for Brain Health, and post-diagnosis support services. Following the tour, speeches were delivered by Melissa Hillier, CEO; Tom Welsh, Research and Medical Director; and Nicky Moorey, a trustee and recent carer. 

Melissa Hillier, chief executive Officer for ReMind UK, said: “We were delighted to welcome the Mayor and supporters to the launch of our new Guide to Living Well with Dementia. All were keen to learn about how ReMind UK supports families and carers through our memory clinic, research activities, and post-diagnosis support. Dementia affects many UK families, and ReMind UK’s work is vital to provide ongoing local support and research future treatments.”

ReMind UK’s free new guide for people living with dementia and their care-givers includes an advice section with tips for those newly diagnosed, covering brain health, diagnoses, legal and medical considerations, home assessments, emergency planning, and maintaining wellbeing. It also features a directory of dementia-friendly services and resources.

The directory lists resources and daily activities, regularly updated and downloadable from the ReMind UK website at, with hard copies available on request.

Councillor Michelle O’ Doherty, the Mayor of Bath, said: “It was inspiring to hear about the breadth of research and support activity ReMind UK is delivering to help people with dementia from diagnosis onwards in Bath and North-East Somerset. 

“Please help spread the word to friends and family of the many ways they could get involved with ReMind UK, from downloading a copy of the new Guide to Living Well with Dementia, to volunteering, fundraising or taking part in clinical trials to aid research into dementia treatments.”