On an evening of torrential rain, only twelve people attended Chilcompton Golden Hour AGM last week. Accounts were presented, future plans set out and officers elected. Sylvia and David Rogers were thanked for all their hard work for the club, especially recruiting speakers and entertainment.

Club member, Alex, gave a talk about being a London bus driver in the 1980s. He recalled passengers who wanted to bring sack trucks and long ladders on board, teenagers trying to travel half-fare and the lady who was always tidying and spent her journey picking up old bus tickets!

The next meeting is on 9th May when the Somer Valley Singers will entertain and members are reminded to bring photos, memorabilia and memories of the 1953 Coronation.

Finally, a plea was made for more new members to ensure the viability of the club long term.

Anyone will be very welcome to come along at 7.30 at the village hall on the second Tuesday of each month.

More details from Sylvia 01761 233142.

Marlene Pickford