A ‘marvellous’ fete day was held in Compton Dando on July 6, despite a heavy shower mid afternoon. Visitors got a little wet, but spirits were high and the sun soon came out again. 

The South Bristol Ukes band played several sessions during the afternoon, much to the delight of the crowd and organisers have booked them again for next year. 

Master of Ceremonies, Jonathan Foyle, introduced the annual duck race and the excitement grew to fever pitch. The torrent of water, helped by the previous night’s downpour, swept numbers 237, 224, and 127 to the finishing line. There were eight lucky prize winners and over 700 tickets were sold. 

Other competition winners included:

  • Fiona and Simon Gregg Smith - egg catching
  • Jim and Oscar - skittles
  • Julia Dalby - name that doll
  • Ella McCarthy - best bracelet

Stakeholder Alison Ter Haar said: “A huge thank you goes to Phillip Gentle and his team for organising the fete. It takes a lot of background work for several months to put on an afternoon’s entertainment.

“A special thank you also goes to the team who turned up in the pouring rain on Friday evening to put up the marquees and gazebos.”

Next year’s fete will be on the first Saturday in July.