“What does it mean to ‘age well’ in Bath and North East Somerset?”

Local councillors considered this question as they backed a new initiative to help transform the area into an Age Friendly Community and address barriers to ageing well.

Following the motion, the council applauded the role of B&NES 3rd Sector Group in reviving and facilitating the Ageing Well Network, which brings together voluntary sector organisations supporting people to age well and encourage older people to speak out about the issues that are important to them and their communities.

In common with many places, B&NES is seeing a demographic shift, with a growing proportion of people aged 65 or older compared to those of working age or younger. This trend highlights many of the issues facing older people, such as financial security, access to services, health and disability, and loneliness. 

Local organisations Age UK B&NES and the St John’s Foundation are responding with the “Ageing Well Bath and North East Somerset” programme.

B&NES cabinet member for adult services, Councillor Alison Born, commented: “I’m delighted Councillors unanimously backed the Ageing Well initiative and the proposal to go for Age Friendly Community accreditation from the World Health Organisation.

“The council is committed to improving people’s lives and, to do that, we must understand the needs of our population so that we can ensure that the right services are in place to meet those needs.” 

Speaking at the council meeting, Simon Allen, chief executive officer at Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, supported the motion and said: “An age friendly community is one where policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environment are designed to support and enable older people to live in a secure, safe environment, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society. It is about creating spaces and opportunities that are accessible, equitable and inclusive for everyone, regardless of age.”

Local people aged 55 and over are being asked to help shape the future of ageing in B&NES by taking part in the first ever Ageing Well Survey. The results will inform the local action plan and help build a community that meets the needs of its people.

The survey is open until July 31 at https://bit.ly/AWBNESSurvey and has already received more than 1,000 responses.