Councillor Eleanor Jackson, in a letter to The Journal, has called on central government to celebrate North East Somerset's achievements and bring back local buses following Michael Gove's visit to Bath.

Secretary of State visit

While it is always good to see members of central government taking an interest in Bath and the challenges we face in an area (which is not all Jane Austen style frills and flounces), it would be a good idea if the cabinet member, Michael Gove, had also seen the challenges and achievements in North East Somerset. 

Nelson Ward Drive and the former GWR railway lands in Radstock, (210 dwellings) with the ‘bridge over troubled waters’ just opened at St Nicholas Primary School, and the Brunel Shed, now solely a bat residence. 

There are housing developments and holes in the ground in Westfield which badly need ’levelling up’,  but above all we need the 82 bus back, whose 140 regular users could only dream of Bath Western Riverside. 

We need the 179 and 768, as it is not just Tunley residents who need to get to work in Bath, but those now having to walk to the A367 are risking their lives on lanes without pavements. My next letter will be going to the Minister.

Yours sincerely,

Eleanor Jackson (Cllr)

In a personal capacity