A local housing association has said it is “disappointed” and considering its next steps after a council blocked it from building on a field by refusing to let it demolish two homes in the way.

Curo had wanted to build 54 homes on a field near Midsomer Norton and had been granted planning permission to by Somerset Council.

But to access the field it would have had to knock down two social homes it owns, 26 and 28 Orchard Vale, which lie across the council boundary with Bath and North East Somerset Council.

On Wednesday, June 5, Bath and North East Somerset Council’s planning committee refused to let the homes be demolished — scuppering the plans for the development and leaving Curo with no way to reach the field they have planning permission to develop. A total of 142 people had lodged objections to the plans, with one person labelling it “immoral.” But Curo has defended the plan.

A spokesperson for the housing association said: “We are disappointed that members went against the advice of officers and refused this application. We, like B&NES officers and Somerset Council, firmly believe that the site is a sustainable location for development.

“With more than 2,000 households in need of affordable housing in Mendip alone, sites like this will have to be developed to tackle the housing crisis. Somerset Council has already granted permission for these homes, recognising the substantial benefits they would provide to local families in need. 

“While the land to be built on is within Somerset, the proposed access road is located within the B&NES boundary; it’s regrettable that B&NES have decided at this stage to block the progress of this site and we are actively considering our next steps.”

The plans originally came before Somerset Council in November and were rejected, with Bath and North East Somerset Council following suit and refusing planning permission. But when Curo came back with another application, warning they would fight it through the appeals process if it was turned down, Somerset Council gave in.

One Somerset councillor said at their meeting: “At first I thought I had a gun to my head, with the developer saying ‘if you don’t pass this, we’ll appeal anyway’. But having listened to our officers, I think this is an improved application and I can see no reason to go against our officers.”

Officers at Bath and North East Somerset Council also called on their planning committee to approve the plans, but councillors refused. Paul Crossley (Southdown, Liberal Democrat) described the plans as “wrong on so many fronts.”

The 54 homes would have included 18 affordable homes, the vast majority of these would go to people on Somerset Council’s housing waiting list. Two of the affordable homes would be for people on Bath and North East Somerset Council’s waiting list, to replace the two demolished, and another two could also be assigned to the council outside of the planning process.