The new Labour MP for North East Somerset and Hanham, Dan Norris, has said he will “get some sleep and then reflect” on how he can do the job alongside his role as West of England Metro Mayor.

He defeated iconic Tory Jacob Rees-Mogg to win back the seat he lost to him 14 years ago.

Mr Norris told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “We are professional politicians. I have known him a long time and vice versa and we respect one another because I think we both think we are capable politicians in our own ways but we disagree on so many things, with profound differences around what policies should be applied and to whom and how we make the country better. But that doesn’t mean we have to act like children.”

But in a statement he released afterwards, he declared: “We’ve got Mogg-xit done.”

He added: “It’s a great honour to serve the people of Keynsham, North East Somerset, Hanham and surrounding areas. This is my home. I’m deeply proud of all our communities and want our part of the world to be the best it can be.

“Keir Starmer changed the Labour Party and he will now change the country for the better. “This is a victory for integrity: no more one rule for them, another for everyone else. It’s a victory for stability: never forget the economic chaos for which the British people are still paying the price.

“Now let’s get to work.”

Could getting to work mean a ministerial job for Mr Norris? He had been a junior minister in DEFRA In his previous stint in the House of Commons while Gordon Brown was Prime Minister. Mr Norris told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “No, I think that’s very unlikely indeed.

“Keir Starmer will decide that. I’ve been around long enough to know that’s just not even worth speculating about. That’s not something I think about. What I’m concerned about is making sure I am the best MP I possibly can be and obviously I’ve got the situation where I’m the regional mayor and I’ve got to see what I do about that.”

He added, while speaking late at night after the result was declared: “It’s my intention to carry on but what I was never going to do was talk about not being the regional mayor until the electorate had a chance to decide what I was going to do as the MP because I would not be so arrogant or disrespectful to assume that.

“They have made their verdict known now. They know I am the regional mayor.

“I now have to get some sleep and then reflect on what has happened and work our how I can best serve the people of North East Somerset and Hanham and the West of England.”

In North East Somerset and Hanham, and in many areas across the country, a swing from Conservatives to Reform was a factor in the Labour win.

Mr Norris said: “I think any politician who goes away — even though there’s going to be a big Labour landslide — thinking that politicians have given them a big slap on the back would be very foolish.

“Because what became clear in the campaign was the public were very kind and courteous to me but they are very disillusioned with politics and politicians as a whole. And what I take away from that is integrity and honesty are now essential requirements to reinstate in our political system.”

He added: “All the other things are secondary to whether we’ve got integrity and whether we’ve got honesty. And we need to have those to have public faith. […] Because there’s not the resources.

“We won’t be able to wave a magic wand and make the NHS ok overnight. It will take time. So we need people to be patient. We need people so that they can understand why there are delays and why things aren’t happening overnight.”

In a statement on Twitter released shortly after Keir Starmer’s speech outside No. 10 as Prime Minister, Sir Jacob said: “To represent Somerset in Parliament has been a huge honour. Thank you to all those who have helped me since 2010 and my best wishes to Dan Norris in the new seat of North East Somerset and Hanham.”

The political opponents both paid tribute to and congratulated each other in their acceptance and concession speeches at the count last night. Sir Jacob ended by quoting Chitty Chitty Bang Bang inventor Caracatus Potts: “From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success.”

In his acceptance speech, Mr Norris thanked supporters, adding: “I also want to thank Jacob Rees-Mogg. He has done a very good job in supporting his constituency — up until now obviously. I know exactly how that feels because Mr Rees-Mogg gave me that compliment 14 years ago and I have been able to return that.”

The result came at the exact moment Labour got to 326 seats and to have a majority.