The Dorothy House Midnight Walk took place in Bath on Saturday 15 June.

Organisers say: “it was an absolutely brilliant, heartfelt and vibrant night! We had 476 people signed up to take part in the walk and the atmosphere was buzzing.”

This year, Dorothy House’s Midnight Walk had two routes for people to take part in - the usual 5K walk route around the city of Bath, which saw 210 people take part, and, new for 2024, a ‘super duper 10K walk’ with two loops of Bath - 266 fabulous people achieved this distance.

Walkers had a welcome prosecco ( donated by the Great Wine Co), there was an exclusive Mulberry handbag raffle (generously donated by Mulberry), there were flashing head boppers, glittery faces, drinks, yummy snacks, a comedy photo booth and a fabulous warm up from the legendary Cheryl Sprinkler from Mojo Moves. Having a bar really got everyone into the party spirit too!

There was also a memory wall on the night, where people could take some time out to remember who they were there for.

A spokesperson for Dorothy House said: “With all the bonkersness of the event, it was really meaningful for people to be able to step away and think of the reasons why they were donating their time and efforts for the charity.”

Jane Yates, Midnight Walk participant, said: “I really enjoyed the walk, which I felt was a privilege, as was the fundraising. It was very emotional to think that all the walkers had been touched by the kindness and care given by Dorothy House in some way. My lovely brother was given so much loving care during his final weeks, 17 months ago and I'm so pleased to have been able to give a little back to this wonderful charity.”

Dorothy House said: “We are incredibly grateful to the 102 legends who gave up their Saturday night to volunteer to enable the event to happen. They completed all their tasks so beautifully – from setting up, marshalling, to manning stalls and packing away. Our Dorothy House volunteers really are the very BEST!”

The event has currently raised a total of £60,366 for Dorothy House’s essential Hospice @ Home service.

Dorothy House remarked: “We couldn’t be more grateful to everyone involved for all their care, fundraising and support. Thank you so much and…bring on next year!”