This year marks the 50th anniversary of the closure of the Somerset Coalfield. To mark this event, we have changed the arrangements for the annual reunion, which will now take place at the Old Down Inn, Emborough.

Somerset Miners Reunion 2023

At the Old Down, Emborough Monday, 4th September Arrive 12noon for two-course meal and a beer or two at 12:30pm

Ex NCB employees only - no wives/partners Unlike previous years, it is essential that you book in advance. If you need help to attend, please discuss this when you call. Please ring 01761-471350 by Monday, 28th August to book your place.

We would like to extend our special thanks to Radstock Museum and the volunteers who have hosted the event since the first reunion in 1989.

The Trust would also like to thank the Radstock Co-op and Paul Loader who supplied food for the reunions from 1999.

There will be plenty to talk about as we gather, including the metal miners appearing across the coalfield area.

Over the years the Somerset Miners Welfare Trust has supported many local charities and clubs, as well as making significant donations to the Royal United Hospital.

In the last twelve months, as those who remember the mines when they were working has dwindled, the Trustees decided it was important that local people should be aware of the importance of coal mining to the area.

Many miners lost their lives; many more received debilitating injuries, while the poor air underground left an awful lot of miners with breathing problems.

The metal miners are there to remind local people how important the coal mines were for the area, and that the coal industry was once the largest local employer. Alongside each metal miner we will be installing an information board, with a brief outline of the near-by pit, and a QR code to allow people to find out more about the history of coal mining in Somerset.

The Somerset Miners Welfare Trust is also proud to announce they have sponsored a series of programmes over the coming year called “When coal was king”.

These will be broadcast for an hour each week, from 19:00-20:00 and feature interviews with former miners, as well as stories about other aspects of the coal mining.

Those taking part will receive a copy of their interviews to share with their family, and a copy of the whole series will be given to Radstock Museum so that future generations can discover what it was like during the coal mining era in Somerset.