Reaching the end of the holiday period, Norton Radstock u3a members are looking forward to the Autumn and Winter Coffee Mornings and speaker meetings and to the extremely interesting schedule of speakers in the New Year.

The speaker on 11th September was Wesley Murch who provided a fascinating talk about how he started and developed his Eagle and Falcon training. Towards the end of his talk Wesley brought his Golden Eagle into the Somer Centre which created a huge amount of interest with members taking their own photos of the impressive bird.

The speaker for October will be John Barkle whose talk is entitled ‘Memories of a Village Grocer’ and will include his life experiences as a grocer running stores in Pilton and Ditcheat, including Post Offices and finally for 25 years in Wells. This talk will be sure to invoke many memories and bring back happy times of members childhood.

Looking forward, the November presentations will be by the popular Tim Lewis who will again entertain his audience with songs and readings about the preparations for Christmas followed by a unique version of Jack and the Beanstalk – not to be missed!

The final talk of the year on 11th December will be given by Dinah Auton who will entertain members with stories of the 54-year history of the costume collection of Bath Theatrical Costume hire including the shows and films they have been in and who has worn the items. There will be few pieces of their vast collection on show for members to enjoy with original pieces for decades (centuries) gone by.

The very popular u3a Christmas Coffee Morning will take place on Monday, 18th December with the usual mince pies and opportunity to hand out our Christmas cards with the usual seasonal members chat between themselves.

The u3a provides a wonderful opportunity or anyone who is no longer in full time employment to meet others and particularly anyone who is living on their own to share the company of others.

Full details may be obtained by contacting: 01761 413414.

Colin Tincknell OBE, Chairman Norton Radstock u3a