After putting the Flower Show into hibernation for two years due to the worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic, the Flower Show Committee need not have had any doubts or worries about last year’s return of the 133rd edition of the event, which turned out to be a great success and proved as popular as ever.

The committee has since been busy planning for the 134th Flower Show and Fete to take place on the 19th August 2023.

Schedules are now available for this year’s show from Premier Stores Writhlington, Fromeway Inn, Fillerup, Radstock Cooperative Society Store, Thomsons Hardware, Radstock Library and The Faulkland Inn.

The committee feel and understand, especially now during these economic difficulties, how important it is that we promote alternatives to the health and wellbeing of our community with the benefits of gardening, cooking and arts and crafts. So, if you have grown it or made it, we would love to see it. Please take a look at our schedule, there could be class to suit you.

This year there will be a name change to one of the trophies in the children’s section, for the “Exhibit Made from Recycled Material” class. This trophy will now be known as the Green Cup and is kindly sponsored by Hannah and Emily at Fillerup.

There are classes for all the family, from the under 5’s to the more senior members of our society (OAP’S - and that includes me!). We have also included some new classes to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles the III.

The 134th Flower Show and Fete will be opened at 2.30pm by our Show President Mrs Hilary Denning. The Mendip Brass Band will once again keep us entertained and provide the music throughout the afternoon. This year we will be joined by Jojo Sparkles, a free puppet show between 3pm and 4pm for the children…and parents and grandparents too!

The Flower Show Committee is dedicated to the promotion and protection of bees and bee keeping and we are pleased that the Mendip Beekeepers Association are returning to our Fete once again. Mark Hitchins and his team will be on hand to answer any questions and give advice to anyone interested in bees and beekeeping.

It is always great fun trying to spot the queen bee in the exhibition hive.

For anyone wishing to try their hand at archery, or find out more about the South Wansdyke Archery Club, they will be at the St Mary’s School field where they meet weekly to practice. They are supported by Team GB and have some very talented young archers and they support wheelchair archers too. Do meet them and give the sport a go, you might find a new hobby.

The committee is pleased and looking forward to members from the Norton Radstock Classic Vehicle Club attending our Fete for the first time. I am sure we will all enjoy their visit and for many of us their beautiful classic cars will bring back childhood memories.

After last year’s Flower Show, the chairman made comment that entry numbers in the photography section were down and he was saddened, very disappointed and concerned that there were no entries at all in the children’s photography.

He said that children and the younger generation are the future of our village show, so this year we have invited The Norton Radstock Photographic Society to our Flower Show. There will be a display inside the village hall to inspire budding photographers. So, if like me you need some hints and tips on how to take a good photograph, I am sure Jenny Short and some of the society’s members will be on hand to offer you encouragement, help and advice.

Outside we have free sand play for the children courtesy of Dave and Travis Perkins. There is the exhibitors marquee to visit, tea and homemade cakes, many more stalls, such as Lilco Designs, a bouncy castle, football games, tombola and a grand summer draw — there’s lots to do and lots to see.

The committee would love to see those with past connections to the Flower Show from over the years, such as past presidents, chairmen, secretaries and committee members, along with their families and friends, join us on the day for a catch up with old friends and enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

For more information, a schedule or if you feel you would like to be part of the Flower Show, please don’t hesitate to contact the Chairman Mr Rob Langley on: 01761 431406, Secretary Mrs Helen Gulliford: 01761 420417 or Facebook.

With this very inclement British summer we are hoping for good weather as we look forward to seeing you all on Show Day.