A NEW Scouts group has been formed in Radstock in for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The launched of the new SEND Explorer Unit at Fosse Way School is helping to meet the ethos that ‘scouting is for all’.

Fosse Way Explorer Scouts have 11 members, and nine of them are from Fosse Way House, a residential provision attached to the special school. The group meet weekly during term time.

Fosse Way Explorers are fast becoming a vital part of the wider Scouting family. Each term the unit meets with other Explorer Units in the area. In September, the unit explored Midsomer Norton Railway with their Scouting friends at Argus Explorers, from Saltford, with more collaborative activities planned with other units across the next two terms.

The activities are carefully planned by volunteer leaders to ensure they are fun, accessible and exciting for all members of both units involved.

The Fosse Way Explorer Scout Unit was the idea of Graham Bush, whose son James, 14, is currently a student at the school. Graham is the district lead volunteer for local scouting and James has been involved in scouting since he was six.

Between Graham and Jason Towells, residential education manager at Fosse Way House, they set up a group dedicated to SEND members.

Graham says: “Scouting aims to be an equitable, diverse and inclusive movement. The volunteer leaders, which include staff from the Fosse Way House team, have worked together to provide a balanced programme around three main themes: outdoor and adventure, the world around us and skills for life, and have ensured that it has been adjusted to meet the needs of the young people within the unit.”

The new unit at Fosse Way isn’t just developing their own skills for life, but sharing theirs with others. The highly-trained staff from the school have also provided training on autism education to scout leaders across Wansdyke, with more dates in the diary.

Jason Towells, from Fosse Way, said: “The students are so excited that they are now Scouts. Every Tuesday evening, they are dressed in their uniforms and raring to go by 6.30pm. It’s wonderful to see how much enjoyment they, and the staff here, get from participating in the group.”

The Fosse Way Explorers have already achieved badges in First Aid, athletics and air Aactivities.

Luke, an explorer from the group, said: “Scouts is great fun, it's my favourite".