Colin and Christine Button, a well-known couple in the area were struck by Colin’s unexpected cancer diagnosis last year, changing their lives forever.

Inspired by the incredible work Macmillan do to support individuals and families through the earth-shattering diagnosis of cancer, Christine will be holding a Coffee Morning, on Wednesday 27th September at Norton Down, in aid of the charity who have been incredibly supportive throughout the couple’s experience.

Colin Button, much-loved and dedicated reader of The Journal, was diagnosed with prostate cancer last September, during which he was volunteering at the Somerset & Dorset Railway Heritage Trust, which has been a huge part of his life, after attending the doctors with shoulder pain complaints. Following back and forth doctor appointments and wrong-diagnosis of muscular pains, Colin went back to the doctors weeks later with unbearable back pain.

After a quick turn around of tests, Colin was called later that evening to be told he had an extreme amount of cancer cells in his prostate and needed to come in for more tests, which later showed the cancer had spread to his spine, shoulder and bones… three days later, Colin was paralysed from the waist down and is now bed-bound, residing at Clare Hall Nursing Home, a place that Christine cannot speak about highly enough.

Christine, who has been by Colin’s side throughout his cancer journey, wants to create more awareness around diagnosis and the importance of getting checked. Whilst being aware that a huge stigma surrounds prostate discussions, Colin’s story shows just how important it is to listen to your body and check in with your doctors.

Prostate is a silent cancer, with rarely any symptoms, where 1 in 8 men are affected. Prostate cancer can develop when cells in the prostate start to grow in an uncontrolled way, with some forms growing quickly and therefore more likely to spread throughout the body, much like Colin’s has. Prostate Cancer UK’s website advises if you are over 50, or you are black, or your dad or brother had it, you are at even higher risk so the importance of getting checked and listening to your body is second to none when it comes to this life-bearing cancer.

Speaking to The 
Journal, Christine said: “Colin is currently on a trial, which has reduced the prostate cancer cells down, and helped to steady his symptoms, although he will still continue to be paralysed due to the spread of cells throughout his body.

“Having not been expected to survive long after the diagnosis, a year on, Colin is still with us, which I believe is down to the trial, but mainly his wicked sense of humour and positive approach to life.

“Macmillan, who have been supporting us since day one, are amazing. I kept on saying to them I don’t know what I would have done without them. So I am holding this Coffee Morning because I want to support them as they have supported Colin and I.

“As I go to Church and play the organ at Norton Down, I asked the Church if I could hold the fundraiser Coffee Morning there to bring in more people and hold it in within our community, the place that has been supporting us from the start.”

To support Christine’s Macmillan Cancer Support fundraiser, visit Norton Down Chapel on Wednesday, 27th September, 10:30am-12noon.

If you or your loved one are concerned about prostate cancer or a prostate problem, or you would like to learn more/find support, visit: