The Glastonbury Mural Trail was the first of our Summer excursions organised by Suzanne Ladd. We assembled at the Memorial Cross at 5pm (although sadly some were prevented from getting to it, as a result of an accident that closed the roads from Frome), and set off at a leisurely pace for our first mural.

This featured Frida Kahlo, a renowned Mexican artist famous for her surrealist self-portraits and works inspired by nature and life as she experienced it in early 20th Century Mexico.

From this location which cannot be missed by anyone entering the High Street from the Abbey end, Suzanne led us past tiny churches hidden in alleyways to a number of interesting back streets, nooks and crannies where, with the aid of the map, we found and identified a wide array of artists’ impressions on walls, probably best described as “very Glastonbury”.

The street art ranged from colourful rhinos to glowering magpies, and included resting gentlemen as well as glamorous goddesses and a hovering butterfly, strategically placed so that those who wished could pose against it, and for a moment, resemble a winged angel. Many of the artworks were near interesting gardens and churchyards where we could photograph the flowers, and of course in the High Street there was plenty of content for the street photographers amongst us to capture and enjoy.

It was a pleasant, chatty evening, if a little cool for May, but it hinted at an interesting month ahead, when first, on Thursday, June 6, Diana leads a trip to Ham Wall for the wildlife, and then on the following Thursday we travel to Langport for a trip on the River Parrett followed by a visit to the ancient village of Muchelney.

Jenny Short