Local radio station Somer Valley FM will inform listeners of constituency candidates’ aims ahead of the General Election on July 4.

Following the parliamentary boundary review in 2023, Somer Valley FM’s broadcasting remit now crosses over two constituencies with listeners in North East Somerset and Hanham and Frome and East Somerset. 

The station has invited all 14 candidates from both constituencies to interview, providing an opportunity for each to showcase what they’re offering to the voter.

Dom Chambers has lead SVFM’s election coverage since 2010 - this will be the sixth election he’s hosted so far and second referendum.

Somer Valley FM has a particular interest in linking young people and first time voters with the electoral process. Dom, who also runs the charity Sound Vision, has been talking to young people from local schools, and their interests and concerns have had an influence on Dom’s line of questioning with the candidates. 

One area of interest from young people is a concern about how they will live as adults in the area that they have grown up in given the shortage of affordable housing. 

If you have any views you’d like to share about the GE with your local station, please email [email protected]

The interviews will be broadcast live in the programme schedule, but you can also access them any time via the Somer Valley FM on demand platform. To access this, head to somervalleyfm.co.uk and click the election photo.