A funding appeal run by the B&NES Faith Foundation has raised £8,000 for two new projects in our local area.

Director of the Faith Foundation, Nathan Hartley, said: “Thanks to everyone who has donated to our appeal. We’re 100% funded through voluntary contributions and grants and without the support and generosity of others we wouldn’t be able to carry out the important work that we do.”

The £8,000 was raised thanks to donations from the public, plus a grant from the Birmingham-based Westhill Endowment charity – an organisation that funds educational and faith-based projects across the UK that promote social cohesion and interfaith dialogue.

The £8,000 will be used to fund: A new interfaith project in Midsomer Norton, costing £5,000. The initiative hopes to bring together various faith groups with the aim of promoting collaboration and positive dialogue.

A series of mental health, mindfulness workshops in Bath, costing £3,000. Through the practice of kirtan yoga, people attending will be encouraged to take up mantra meditation – a practice originally from India but now popular throughout the world.

The B&NES Faith Foundation was established several years ago to:

• Support, encourage, and strengthen the work of faith groups across the district.

• Act as a conduit between faith groups and public bodies in ensuring they have a voice and have representation on issues that matter to them.

• Carry out research into socio-religious trends in Bath, Somerset and the wider area.

• Run community engagement projects with faith (and non-faith) groups.

• Organise events that promote social inclusion, learning and understanding.