NORTH Somerset is racing to find space for the thousands of homes it needs to hit its housing target - but it might not have the construction workers to build them.
The Labour government has given North Somerset Council a mandatory target of building 23,895 homes by 2040. Now the council is looking at space for hundreds more homes around Nailsea and Backwell, and at letting Bristol expand into the green belt near Long Ashton.
But even if the council finds the land, there may not be enough construction workers in the area to build the 1,593 homes a year needed to hit the target. North Somerset Council’s executive member for spatial planning, councillor Mark Canniford (Weston-super-Mare Hillside, Liberal Democrat), said that the most houses built in the area in a single year had been about 900 in 2018, which he said had been a “booming year.”
He told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “Due to various reasons, particularly Brexit, we don’t have the constriction staff in the UK.”
He added that the major work to build the Gravity “gigafactory” and Hinkley Point C nearby had put “further pressure” on construction jobs in the South West.

He said: “We will rise to the challenge — but delivering this is extremely challenging.”
The government wants to see 1.5 million homes across the UK in the next five years. But this week the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which represents builders, told The Independent that the construction sector “simply doesn’t have the workforce.”
The consultation on where the new homes North Somerset needs to hit its housing target should go will run until Friday, March 21.
Residents can comment on the consultation here:
More information about the plans can also be found here:
Four drop-in events are also being held where members of the public can view plans and ask questions.
There is no need to book:
• Wednesday, February 26 – Jubilee Pavillion, Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9DP: 3 – 6pm
• Wednesday, March 5 – Weston-super-Mare Library, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, W-s-M, BS23 1UJ: 3 – 6pm
• Friday, March 7 – Nailsea United Reform Church Hall, Stockway North Nailsea, BS48 1AQ: 3 – 6pm
• Monday, March 10 – Backwell WI Hall, Station Road, Backwell, BS48 3QW: 3 – 6pm