New food hygiene ratings have been awarded to four of Somerset’s establishments, the Food Standards Agency’s website shows.

Restaurants, cafes and canteens

The following ratings have been given to two restaurants, cafes or canteens:

• Rated 4: Miah's Castle Tandoori at Woodcock Street, Castle Cary, Somerset; rated on February 3

• Rated 2: Platform 1 at Land At Station Yard, Station Approach, Frome, Somerset; rated on February 3


And two ratings have been handed to takeaways:

• Rated 4: Crewkerne Fish Bar at 19 West Street, Crewkerne, Somerset; rated on February 3

• Rated 1: Castle Cary Kebab & Pizza House at 4 Fore Street, Castle Cary, Somerset; rated on February 3