Professional Guitar Player Saffron Summerfield provided a thoroughly entertaining afternoon when members of Norton Radstock u3a held their Monthly Speaker Meeting on 14th March.
Saffron toured the world in the 1960s and 1970s when she knew and worked with many of the famous musicians of that time. Saffron took members through the development of the guitar through hundreds of years and demonstrated different styles of instruments and their use for various types of music.
From her early days Saffron was encouraged by her peers and as a result of this encouragement she played at various and different UK venues, ranging from London nightclubs, including those in the famous Carnaby Street (Mary Quant and all that), the Royal Albert Hall and Batley Working Men’s’ Club before travelling to many parts of the world, giving performances ranging from classical to jazz. Saffron introduced her audience to the Mississippi bottle neck blues, which is literally a sawn-off bottle neck used to play her guitar and accompanied many of her pieces singing a range of blues songs.
U3a members warmly applauded Saffron for her presentations which were quite unique and professional. The event for the few members unable to be at the Somer Centre in person due to health or other reasons was via Zoom, which proved successful using new equipment purchased by the group.
The next u3a event at the Somer Centre will be the popular Coffee Morning on 28th March, when members will have the opportunity to book for the trips to Forde Abbey for the Tulip Extravaganza (27thApril), RHS Malvern Spring Festival (8th May) and Mottisfont Abbey for the Rose Festival (15th June).
Tickets for the u3a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration on 13th June at the Somer Centre are now available. This event will be supported by entertainment provided by the u3a Guitar Group, who performed with great success at the Chilcompton Charity Christmas event and the u3a Uke Group. To introduce the u3a to potential new members, there is the opportunity for existing members to invite a friend or neighbour to this event. The only criteria for joining the u3a is that you are not in full time employment and can be of any age.
The important u3a AGM will take place at the Monthly Coffee Morning on 25th April, which all members will be expected to attend. Coffee will be served from 10 am, with the AGM starting at 11 am. For those members who may be unwell or less able to attend the AGM proceedings will be screened using Zoom, but any member using this facility must have previously informed the Secretary, David Pearson (phone: 232081) for log in details and registration.
All members should regularly check the u3a website: ensure they are fully informed about group activities and new information. Membership applications continue to be taken and it has been good to welcome several new members in recent weeks.
Colin Tincknell OBE, Chairman Norton Radstock u3a