Frome residents will find out next week which of two competing visions for the Saxonvale regeneration site will be taken forward.

The Saxonvale site in Frome town centre has seen the subject of two competing proposals for its regeneration – one from the Bristol-based Acorn Property Group, the other from the locally-based Mayday Saxonvale.

Somerset Council, which owns the site, indicated in early-January that it would be looking to sell off the land as part of a wider review of its land, buildings and property portfolio, intended to balance its budget and provide funding for front-line services.

The council’s executive committee will meet in Frome on Wednesday afternoon (July 31) to decide whether Acorn or Mayday’s vision will be given the green light – with the successful bidder then moving forward into contract negotiations and purchasing the site.

Acorn has committed to the below in a revised bid:

  • 300 homes, of which 160 will be affordable – the equivalent of 53 per cent, and far in excess of the 72 it had originally promised
  • 64,480 sq ft of flexible commercial space and buildings, as well as public realm improvements
  • A footbridge over the River Frome, linking the new development to Rodden Meadow and the town’s railway station
  • A riverside park and children’s play area
  • Improvements to the existing cycle network (including parts of National Cycle Network route 24) and new bike stands and shared pumps
  • A one-way system on Vicarage Street, with a new access road through the development site
  • £2m towards local schools and further road improvements (which were already included in the original Section 106 agreement)

Each of the new homes will have air and ground source heat pumps, solar panels and “high performance windows” to reduce running costs and help to protect the environment.

A spokesman said: “We are acutely aware of the need for the town to have genuinely affordable homes designed and built with sustainability at the forefront.

“We want to deliver a legacy for the town that residents and future generations can be proud of.”

The Mayday Saxonvale bid will deliver:

  • 263 homes, of which at least 30 per cent will be affordable (with a stretch target of 50 per cent)
  • At least 10,000 sq m of commercial and community space
  • A riverside park and children’s play area
  • Improved cycle links between the site and Vicarage Street
  • The realignment of the A362 Garsdale roundabout and £246,000 towards improving the Gorehedge junction
  • New public open spaces
  • A hotel and spa
  • A lido
  • Nearly £828,000 for improving local schools


FACLT chairman John Clarke ACLT, said: “We are thrilled to collaborate with Mayday, a developer that shares our values and aspirations.

“This partnership fulfils our core mission of providing genuinely affordable homes.

“Crucially, FACLT will own the freehold of the social rented homes. This means these  homes are secured for the community in perpetuity and are not subject to the right-to-buy scheme.

“We believe this partnership significantly enhances the social and community value of the bid for the Saxonvale site.”