GRANTS provided to a church in Stanton Drew will go towards a redevelopment project to help maintain the historic building.
The project focuses on St Mary The Virgin Church’s bell stair turret, which requires a lot of work to sustain it for the future. The project is being led by Bonnie Kitching, director and architect at Hummingbird Ltd.
The total cost of this is around £20,000 and trustees at Pensford, Publow and the Stanton’s Community Trust (PPSCT) have supported the work with a grant of £4,000.
PPSCT are a trust that aims to further charitable causes through making grants that aim to benefit of residents in the local area.
Members of PPSCT either pay a £10 annual membership or can become a part of the 100 Club. This is a group of at least 50 people who pay a £20 per month subscription fee to enter a draw which pays out big cash prizes.
And 55 per cent of these subscriptions go back into the trust and fund local good causes.
That helped the church to levy generous grants, including nearly £6,000 from the National Churches Trust and £2,000 from the Chelwood Community Fund.
Those at St Mary’s extend their thanks to those who have contributed to the grants, which total to £11,625 towards the £20,000 repair. Thanks is also extended to the 100 club members of PPSCT, whose support helped to fund the project.