PEASEDOWN Environment Group (PEG) is hosting a Green Peasedown and Open Homes Day in cooperation with Bath and West Community Energy,

The event will take place September 21 at the Hive Community Centre in Peasedown St. John and will be open from 10am until 3pm.

The village is already involved in various activities, including tree planting, plastic recycling, and repair. A key focus of the Green Peasedown and Open Homes Day will be on energy conservation. 

With rising energy costs being a concern for many, the event will highlight ways to reduce energy loss in homes and explore potential renewable energy solutions.

Bath and West Community Energy, Retrofit West and Good Energy will all be at the event and will be on hand to give advice on energy saving. During the day, three homes in the village will be open so people can see how their technology works in practice.

There will also be opportunities to meet with groups, such as Avon Wildlife Trust and Cam Valley Wildlife Group, which focuses on local environmental care.

The event will include quizzes for young people, bat-box making, and draught excluder crafting, with free refreshments provided.