Residents and community groups are being invited to have their say on polling districts and the location of places to vote as part of a review that closes on 20th November.

Bath and North East Somerset Council is encouraging feedback from residents who use the polling stations to help decide where they will be located for the next five years.

To make sure that all of the polling districts and places are accessible, responses and suggestions for improvements are particularly welcome from anyone who finds it difficult to access their local polling station and from groups with expertise on disability.

The Council has to complete a full review of its polling districts and polling places every five years under the Electoral Administration Act 2006.

Will Godfrey, chief executive of Bath and North East Somerset Council, said:

“We want to make it as easy as possible for anyone who wants to vote to do so. I would encourage people to take part in the review and let us know how convenient their current polling station is or whether we could make changes that would improve access.”

Dr Eleanor Jackson, B&NES Councillor for Westfield, highlighted issues regarding the distance some have to travel in her ward in order to vote.

“I am particularly concerned about those, like residents on the ‘birdie’ estate in Westfield, who have quite a long walk to their polling station now that Norton Hill School is no longer available.”

She added: “I must remind those in my ward that it is easy to obtain a postal vote if they are struggling to get to the ballot box.”

“Quite a number of my residents are NHS shift workers and cannot get to their polling station and get to their hospital in time for their shift. So they tell me they are more than happy with a postal vote.”

More information on voting by post can be found at:

A list of the proposed polling places can be found on the Council website and at the Guildhall in Bath.

Comments and representations may be sent by email to [email protected] or by post to Electoral Services, Bath and North East Somerset Council Guildhall, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW.

The closing date for feedback is Monday 20th November 2023. By law, all correspondence and comments received as part of the review must be published.

The outcome of the review will be published and will be available on the council website: in December 2023.

The resulting polling scheme, reflecting the new parliamentary constituency boundaries will be put in place in time for the next parliamentary election and the Police and Crime Commissioner election on 2nd May 2024.