With the Covid-19 booster vaccination programme rapidly expanding, a new free temporary bus service is being introduced to make it easier for people to get to Bath Racecourse to have their jab.

The service will run every hour from Bath Abbey bus stop to Bath Racecourse from 09.00am, with the last bus leaving the Racecourse at 18.20pm. It will run on the following days:

Mon 20 Dec – Thurs 23 Dec

Wed 29 and Thurs 30 Dec

Tues 4 Jan – Fri 7 Jan

The shuttle service from the Park and Ride at Lansdown is still running Mon – Fri, however there will be no service from Thursday 23 Dec - Tuesday 28 Dec. The full timetable can be viewed at: https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-information-and-advice/get-your-covid-19-vaccine

Becky Reynolds, Director of Public Health for Bath & North East Somerset said: “The new temporary bus service will make it easier for people to get to our major vaccination centre and get boosted. Four out of ten people in B&NES have already had their third dose and our vaccination teams are working tirelessly to ensure all those eligible for a booster get it as soon as possible.

“With the first cases of the Omicron variant now confirmed in our area it’s vital we work together to limit its transmission and protect ourselves and each other. That means reducing our close contact with others, wearing a face covering, self-isolating and getting a test if symptomatic, working from home if we can, keeping spaces well ventilated, getting vaccinated and having the booster jab.”

You are eligible for a booster dose three months after your second dose if:

you are aged 18 and over

you are aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts you at high risk from Covid-19, or are a main carer for someone at high risk from Covid-19

From Monday 20 December, children aged 12-15 can book in for a second jab.

If you haven’t had your first or second vaccination yet, it’s never too late. You can book anytime by calling 119 or by visiting the National Booking Service.

If you’re booking online and find yourself in a long queue, or if there’s no availability in the near future, please be patient and keep on trying – additional appointments are added regularly.

There have also been important changes to national guidance on what people need to do if they are identified as contacts of someone with Covid-19:

Fully vaccinated adults who are identified as a contact of someone with Covid-19 – whether Omicron or not – do not need to self-isolate but should take an NHS rapid lateral flow test every day for 7 days

Close contacts aged 5 years to 18 years and 6 months do not need to self-isolate but should also take an NHS rapid lateral flow test every day for 7 days

Those who test positive or develop symptoms will need to self-isolate and take a confirmatory PCR test

Unvaccinated adults identified as contacts must continue to self-isolate for 10 days

NHS, social care and education settings will continue to have their own requirements.