After a notable evening, by Chris Sperring on Owls, at our January meeting, our next meeting will start more formally with our AGM on Wednesday, 15th February.

We will be starting at the earlier time of 7pm, with the AGM followed by a buffet with wine afterwards giving us all the opportunity to get to know more about our fellow members.

New members are very welcome.

Our March meeting brings us Colin Higgins who will be talking to us about Gardening for Moths.

Did you know there are over 2,500 species of moths in the UK, with 1,500 in the Bristol region?

In the past, gardeners have found Deaths Head Hawkmoths feeding on their potatoes in daylight and Currant Clearwings which were once a pest on currants.

If you are interested in finding out more, Kilmersdon Gardeners will be pleased to welcome you on March 8th at 7.15 in Kilmersdon Village Hall BA3 5TD, opposite The Joliffe.

Visitors are charged a small sum of £3 a meeting which includes a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits. or facebook: Kilmersdon Gardeners.