JEAN and Tony Sims of Priory Close, Midsomer Norton have lived locally all their married life and are looking forward to celebrating their 70th Wedding Anniversary on 21 August 2024.

Jean and Tony on their wedding day, 21st August 1954. ( )

The couple are excited to commemorate their marriage with an open day at the home of their daughter and son-in-law at 2 Priory Close, Midsomer Norton. Jean and Tony met in March 1950 when it was customary for young people to search for a suitable partner by parading the High Street. They are blessed with four grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Tony trained as a Building Surveyor with a local building company S W Foster Ltd of Radstock before a career move which took him to the well-established construction company Ernest Ireland Ltd in Bath where he worked for almost 40 years until his retirement as a Divisional Director in 1991. He undertook his National Service in HM Armed Forces serving in the Army in the early 1950s. During his younger days, he was an active musician as a cornet soloist and broadcast on the BBC West of England Home Service on many occasions during World War Two.

Jean joined the Radstock Co-op in 1949 and worked in the cash office until the birth of their two daughters, Gillian and Kay. Jean later joined Marcroft Wagons as wages clerk and finally worked at Caswells in Midsomer Norton as a cashier. She took an active role in many local organisations, particularly in the Girl Guide movement where for many years she led youngsters as ‘Tawny Owl’ in a Brownie pack. Jean was also President of the Chilcompton Ladies Choir until its demise, past President of the Chilcompton Women’s Institute and President of the High Street Methodist Church’s Women’s Fellowship.

Jean and Tony both enjoyed tending their garden in Priory Close and won many awards in the Bath in Bloom competition until Tony became disabled. They now enjoy the benefits of their labours.

When asked what the secret to a long and happy married life, Tony’s philosophy was: “Always listen to each other’s problems, compromise and enjoy a wee dram before retiring.”