RESIDENTS gathered at Writhlington Village Hall for a community bat box-building event following a popular bat walk earlier this summer.

On Saturday, October 19, local residents were eager to provide much-needed roosting sites for bats in the area while educating young people about wildlife.

In the UK, bat populations have declined considerably over the last century, making local conservation efforts more vital than ever.

Local resident Jeff played a key role in the event, preparing 16 bat box kits in advance to ensure everything was ready for participants. He said: "I’ve got the skills, so why not kit up some bat boxes to get the young people involved and encourage them to take pride in the village?"

Of the completed bat boxes, four will be installed in the nearby Plantation by Curo, in collaboration with Avon Wildlife Trust’s Nextdoor Nature project, while the others went home with residents to be installed in their gardens and the local allotment.

Stephanie Sharkey, from Avon Wildlife Trust, said: “It’s so inspiring to see Jeff take action for his community and make this idea come to life.”

The next event in the Plantation is on Tuesday, October 29, where locals will help plant bulbs and share ideas to improve the space.