We welcomed the Rev. Jonathan Pye to lead Prisoners Sunday. He spoke of Compassion and Freedom with lighthearted stories of his time as a Prison Chaplain.

Friday club from 2-4pm will be a quiz afternoon with tea and cakes.

Saturday coffee from 10am when we will be serving homemade cakes, bacon butties, hot dogs and lots more.

Sunday we will be holding our Harvest festival at 10.30am. Our Minister Rev.David Winstanley will lead worship and we will be donating items for the local Foodbank. Please come along and celebrate with us.

The refurbishments at the Church are now finished. We have a new modern kitchen fitted with a range cooker. New windows around the building, emergency fires doors at both ends of the store. Last but not least, bi-fold doors between the hall and worship area. We thank God for all the hard work that has taken place over the past weeks and look forward to worshipping in new surroundings.

For more details about our Church life please contact [email protected]

Sue Tandy