Mendip Gardening Club will welcome back Sally Morgan to their next meeting on July 17.

Mendip Gardeners met Sally last year when she talked about climate change gardening. Sally is an experienced organic gardener and writer. Her subject this time is “biodiversity,” the study of variety and variability of life on earth. A very relevant topic for these times.

The speaker in May was Tim Davies, a local beekeeper. Tim gave us an overview in to bee keeping then opened the floor to questions, which came thick and fast. The observation hive proved to be a very popular visual aid, encouraging us to play ‘spot the queen’, a much bigger bee.

Tim also brought his own local honey for sale, a vastly superior product to the blended stuff we can buy in the supermarket. It was great evening and the hall was “buzzing”!

The June meeting was a private visit to Lady Farm at Chelwood. Members enjoyed a beautiful summer evening at these stunning gardens and watched the sunset while enjoying tea and cakes.

There is no meeting in August but Mendip Gardeners will be back on September 18 for the AGM and the launch of the next years’ programme.

 Gillian Hipwood