One-hundred-and-two competed in the Turkey Trot 4BBB earlier this month, and with the course still playing extremely well, seventeen pairs recorded 40 points or better.

In third place, beaten on countback with 45 points, were Kevin Keene and Baden Wilkinson, leaving in 2nd place Matt Lambert and Alan O’Leary. The winners were Brian Smith and Brian Francis with 47 points. Brian Smith contributed a valuable four pars and a birdie with Brian Francis, now a veteran, taking full advantage of his rather higher handicap than in yesteryear. Well done the two Brians!

Nearest the Pin went to Chris Jackson with Alexander Leonard second and Gary Quin third.

Inclement weather early in the morning resulted in several Teams withdrawing from the scheduled Ladies Texas Scramble event. However, the rain stopped and with the sun making an appearance, those ladies who decided to play enjoyed very pleasant conditions. A close fought affair saw a win for Mary Ainsworth, Joan Clark, Margaret Hawker and Chris Williams with 33 points on countback from Dee Garnsworthy, Sue Alcock, Chris Olds and Elaine P Richardson.

Richard Gregory and his team, ably supported by Director of Golf Stuart Disney, continue to produce an ever-improving look to the Course which many agree has never been in better order. The new 17th fairway has come on amazingly since the rains came and the new 17th and 18th greens continue to make them a good test of putting. With the new Driving Range greening up, it seems an age ago when we all looked down at a sea of mud on the ten acres to the left of the old 18th scratching our heads at how the area could be transformed into what we now see. Well done to all concerned. I know there will always be a few who do not like change but it is worth thinking about that had previous Committees over the years listened to the minority who resisted change, we would still be playing on a 9 hole Course as it was in the Sixties!

Tony Williams