Jamie Skinner, writer of our Film of the Week column and host of ‘Just a Little Bit Random’ on Somer Valley FM, has now ventured into the world of podcasting with his new ‘Mental Health Shelf’.

“I initially wasn’t sure, the ‘mental health shelf’ was a literal description of what the podcast is, in a way, and I eventually went for that in the end,” Jamie explains of naming the new project. “I went for that name because it’s upfront, and that’s the whole point. We are being more open about mental health, and that’s absolutely what I want from this; openness and transparency”.

“All the other ideas were puns, and I like a good pun.”

‘Shelf care’ and ‘mental shelf’ were some of the contenders for the title, but the final decision “just felt right”, Jamie explains.

The desire to create a podcast had been brewing in Jamie for a long time. “It’s always struck me that you need someone else to bounce off of. There are very few podcasts where it’s one person - there’s one that I can think of and that’s ‘Film Stories with Simon Brew’, it’s a great podcast and it works because he’s got something to talk about which can last for half an hour or so on.”

Many who know Jamie, either from reading his column on a weekly basis or from his reviews on the radio, will know that he has a fondness for cinema.

“I’ve had ideas that have bounced back and forth, but I knew I wanted to do something that wasn’t involving films. I’ve done a lot of film stuff, and although I still love them very much, I wanted to do something outside of that, partly not to be pigeonholed, but also, mental health because my own has been challenging at times.”

“It’s all been about discovering things that have helped, maybe they’ve made me feel better or just eased the mind a bit when it’s been particularly loud.”

“In a number of ways we are being more open about mental health, and I want to encourage that a bit more.”

“If you can dwell on the things that have helped — brought joy or escape — then that’s encouraging. That is the whole point of this; people bring items, put them on a shelf and they look at them when they are stressed or the world is getting to be too much, and it will hopefully bring some form of peace of mind at least for a brief moment.”

“What is it that’s good in the world and helps you along? That’s what this podcast is about.”

Dom Chambers was the first guest on Jamie’s new show.

“Over ten years ago, he was the one who started the whole radio thing for me. Without the radio, I probably wouldn’t be starting anything to do with podcasting.”

“I want to get people from all walks of life. Everyone is going to be different in terms of what’s helped them and what they would put on their shelf. There’s always going to be a personal connection with the items chosen.”

Hugh Grant would be the dream guest if Jamie could pick anyone, particularly after watching the actor in his role in Paddington 2.

“Maybe local figures, I’m not sure yet but a variety of guests from different backgrounds is the idea.”

Jamie started thinking seriously about the podcast around November last year.

“It was after I’d been to London Film Festival. I’ve always had imposter syndrome surrounding going there. Certain conversations I had following that made me think, let’s open that door even for myself.”

“I properly put the wheels in motion in January. I got the artwork sorted for the series, which was designed by Lily Fossett and is amazing. I decided to contact her after learning of her work through someone at the radio station.”

Episodes will be around forty-five minutes to one hour and will be released on the first Monday of the month. The synopsis of the show is that guests bring five items to discuss which aid their mental health by bringing some form of happiness when they think about them or ‘look’ at them on their ‘shelf’.

Hosted on Acast, you can find “The Mental Health Shelf” wherever you get your podcasts, - such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Amazon Music - search the podcast name in your audio provider.

Alternatively, you can listen via the Spotify link below.