Local entrepreneur, businessman and well-known Independent councillor Shaun Hughes has announced that he is standing as parliamentary candidate for Frome and East Somerset in the General Election on July 4.

Shaun currently sits on planning, licensing and scrutiny committees for Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES).

Speaking on his decision to stand, Shaun said: “I am passionate about our area and, with a proven track record, have worked tirelessly to fight poor planning proposals and overdevelopment. I’ve successfully opposed council decisions that would have an adverse effect on our community, the finances of our residents and local economy.

“Support for political parties is at an all-time low and party politics is having a negative effect on both local and national political decisions, we see daily the horse trading between parties over tax cuts and public spending without credible long-term planning.

“We need an MP to be a positive voice for Frome and East Somerset, to fight for our local needs.”

Some of Shaun’s key priorities include: improved access to GPs and dental services, investment in community care to make care work a genuinely financially rewarding career path, ensure home carers are supported so that residents can be cared for with dignity in the community and free up thousands of hospital beds.

He added: “Government dictated house building targets are unrealistic forcing councils to consider inappropriate housing developments on green fields with insufficient social housing, first time buyers are priced out of the market. Clearly the strategy is completely wrong, we need to review our approach to social housing and create real communities not just housing estates.

“We need government investment in renewable energy under UK ownership. Utilities control a large part of household budgets and should prioritise residents not shareholders.

“We need a radical change to how we provide and fund public transport and make it a preference not just a necessity. Currently unattractive and underfunded, clearly the existing model doesn’t work.

“A review of animal welfare is long overdue, to most our pets are part of the family. However all too often families are making difficult decisions based on veterinary costs. Poor breeding practices need to be regulated out of existence, we also need more robust powers and punishment for animal cruelty.

“Whoever becomes our MP it is vital that there is a strong local track record of working for and supporting our community.”