In a letter to The Journal, Councillor Michael Auton urges readers to give their feedback on B&NES Council's plans to introduce parking charges to Midsomer Norton and Radstock car parks.

Underfunding equals Council struggles

Bath and North East Somerset Council, like many local authorities across the UK, is facing major funding challenges to support vital services which we all rely on every day. A perfect storm is brewing with inadequate government funding, high inflation, and increases in demand for services, particularly children’s social services which will impact on us all.

Thanks to years of underfunding by central Government, many local Councils are struggling to balance the books. Ten years ago, BANES received £31m from central government, and now they receive just £800,000.

They need to find an additional £24.53m and have launched a public consultation to give residents an opportunity to add their views on plans to secure this income. One option BANES Council is considering includes increasing car parking charges across all Council run car parks and introducing charges for the first time in Midsomer Norton and Radstock.

As both a local resident and Lib Dem Ward Councillor for Midsomer Norton North, it is disappointing to hear the Council is considering the introduction of parking charges in our car parks. This was something that local Lib Dems successfully campaigned against back in the Spring.

I believe we need to come to some kind of compromise that means people are not discouraged from coming into town and supporting local businesses instead of using online retailers. I will work hard to find the best solution for the local community and BANES Council.

I urge your readers to give their feedback to the public consultation which remains open until 5pm on 15th January 2024. To have your say, visit:

Over the next few weeks, I will be active in Midsomer Norton surveying car park users, local businesses, and hope to speak to as many people as I can about this prominent issue. Alternatively, you can email me your thoughts directly on: [email protected].

Your faithfully,

Cllr Michael Auton

Ward Councillor

Midsomer Norton North