Construction of 75 new homes on the edge of a Midsomer Norton could begin next year after detailed plans for the site were approved.
Gleeson Strategic Land Ltd. secured outline planning permission in May to build 75 homes on Beauchamps Drive near the southern edge of Midsomer Norton, following a planning inquiry held in February 2022.
The Fleet-based developer subsequently sold the site to Wainhomes, which was granted permission in July 2022 to deliver 70 new homes on the southern edge of Frome (dubbed ‘Keyford on the Green’).
The Exeter-based firm submitted amended plans for the Beauchamps Drive site (now christened ‘Cherry Blossom View’) to Mendip District Council in June 2022, specifying the design and layout of the new homes and associated infrastructure.
Somerset Council – which replaced the district council in April – has now approved these revised proposals, meaning construction work could begin on site shortly after Christmas.
The site lies on the northern side of Beauchamps Drive, a short distance from both Norton Down Methodist Church and the White Post Inn.
Access to the site will be from Beauchamps Drive, with a large amount of green space being retained at the eastern edge, near the White Post roundabout.

Pedestrian and cycling routes will be provided through the site, including a link at the north-west corner to 270 new homes which have outline planning permission to the north.
Of the 75 new homes being proposed, 23 will be affordable, meeting the council’s target of 30 per cent affordable housing for any new development of ten homes or more.
The development will also provide contributions towards the town’s primary schools, play areas and new bus stops along the A367.
The plans were approved through the delegated powers of the council’s planning officers, rather than being taken in public by its planning committee east (which handles major developments in the former Mendip area).
Planning officer Jennifer Alvis said: “This reserved matters application has been completed to deliver a scheme which responds positively to the site and its requirements.
“The scheme will deliver 75 new houses across the site, to include a mixture of housing types and social and affordable dwellings.
“There are no adverse impacts as a result of the proposals which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits that will be delivered.”
While Midsomer Norton lies within the Bath and North East Somerset (BANES) Council area, numerous sites on the edges of the town are allocated for housing within Mendip’s Local Plan Part II, which was approved in December 2021 and carried over to the new council in April.
In addition to the 270 homes being planned near the White Post Inn, a decision is currently pending on 190 homes on the opposite side of the A367 Fosseway South, put forward by Persimmon Homes Wessex.
Separate plans by Curo for 54 new homes on the Underhill Farm site on Orchard Vale, at the western end of the town, were refused by councillors in November.
LDRS, Daniel Mumby