Many cars travel this way every day these days. Do you recognise where it is and can you tell us anything about the history of the area? If you can, and would like a mention in the Gazette, please get in touch. Contact the editor at [email protected].
Last month's mystery photo showed a splendid Somerset Waggon on what it is now the A368 in East Harptree, probably somewhere in the early part of the 20th century. The fact that there are two horses implies that they were perhaps off to pick up a heavy load. The fact that there is a grey horse in the lead may mean that they were intending to return in the dark. The two men are Robert Horler, an ostler and farm labourer who lived in Ridge Lane, and Arthur Watts, who was probably a relative.
If you have any old pictures of people, places and events in the Chew Valley and Mendip area that you would like to see in the Gazette as a mystery photo, or that could be added to the Harptrees History Society's archive, please email [email protected].