Last week’s Mystery Photograph was a breeze for most of you, and this week, the guesses for Farrington Gurney, were indeed correct! Thanks to everyone who gave it a go, it was really nice to read so many memories about this photo.

Mystery Photo 5th August F Gurney
Last week’s Mystery Photograph was taken in Farrington Gurney. (Radstock Museum)

Well done to the following readers who guessed Farrington Gurney correctly:

Mr Colin Button, Mr Eddie Maundrill, Simon Chard, Alan Rogers and Mike Ford.

Congratulations to Eric Brain who said the following: “I think this week's picture is of  the A37/A39 at Farrington Gurney, looking north towards Bristol with The Farrington Inn in far distance. The cottages on the right  have since disappeared, now a wide grass verge.”

Bob Stokes was also correct and added: “Ham Lane is on the left looking towards The Farrington Inn, I lived along there.”

Paul Radnedge guessed correctly with Farrington Gurney too, explaining how things have changed over the years: “The houses to the right were demolished when the road was widened and were situated opposite the Methodist Chapel where the grass verge now is, east of the main road.

“The houses to the left of the photograph were called ‘The Triangle’ and would now make up part of the garage forecourt. The coach house door of The Farrington Inn can be seen in the distance.”

Did you know that some buildings in Farrington Gurney date back to the 17th Century? The Manor House is believed to have been built in 1637. The Old Parsonage was built around 1700. The Farrington Inn was built in the late 18th Century.

Farrington Gurney’s economy relied heavily on coal mining from around 1780 and the pits in the area formed the Farrington Colliery, part of the Somerset coalfield.

Our thanks again go to Radstock Museum for our current supply of Mystery Photographs. Do you know where this weeks’ picture was taken? Submit your answers by 4pm on Friday by calling 01761 258030 or by emailing [email protected].