Old Welton Recycling Centre in Midsomer Norton is to reopen on Thursday 9 July under an appointment only basis.

Councillor David Wood, joint cabinet member for Climate Emergency and Neighbourhood Services, said: “We know there has been a big demand from residents for the site to reopen and we are now in a position to open as staff have been returning to work.

“We have been running extended hours at our Keynsham recycling centre to meet demand and will continue to do so in addition to Old Welton reopening.

“While there is capacity for queuing cars at Pixash Lane, there simply isn’t at Old Welton, so in order to reopen safely we are putting a system in to manage visits. The online booking system is easy to use and has proved successful at other council-run sites.”

Bath & North East Somerset Council is introducing an online booking system for visits to the recycling centre to ensure queues don’t build up on the A362.

Residents will be able to select a day and a time slot by visiting https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/midsomer-norton-recycling-centre

To comply with social distancing requirements the number of vehicles allowed on site will be restricted and the number of unloading bays reduced from eleven to six.

Old Welton Recycling Centre will revert to its usual opening hours:

• Monday – Friday: 8am-4.15pm

• Saturday: 9am -3.45pm

• Sunday: 9am-1pm

It is re-opening under the following terms:

• Residents make full use of kerbside services including refuse, recycling, garden waste and bulky waste collections

• vehicles which have not been booked in will be turned away from the site

• proof of booking and residency checks will be carried out

• residents will be limited to two bookings in a seven-day period to help maximise the number of households that can access the site 

• visitors will be required to maintain social distancing and stay 2 metres apart from other users

• staff will not be able to assist people unloading their vehicles

• only one person should unload each vehicle unless assistance is required for a heavy item.  This assistance must be provided by someone who has travelled with you

• all visitors are expected to act in a courteous manner to staff.  Abuse or violence will not be tolerated, and the site maybe temporarily closed if staff feel unsafe

• the centre cannot current accept items for reuse such as textiles and shoes

The recycling centre at Midland Road in Bath, will remain closed for now but we are working on plans to open reduced hours here by the end of the month.  We continue to prioritise our refuse collection and commercial waste services at this site to keep them on track. 

The number plate system currently used for access to Pixash Lane Recycling Centre is to remain in use and the site will continue to offer extended operating hours.  No booking is required here.

• Mondays – Fridays: 8am-6.00pm

• Saturdays: 8am-3.45pm

• Sundays: 8am – 1pm  

Follow us on social media for recycling centre upates:  twitter.com/bathnes  facebook.com/bathnes

More information about the council’s recycling services can be found here https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/find-recycling-centre

Updates on all council services can be found at www.bathnes.gov.uk/coronavirus