Paulton Methodist Church: Our Church hosted the local area Ladies Clubs Carol Service on 6th December which was led by the Revd Ian Souter and included items by the Tabor Ringers. The large congregation afterwards enjoyed coffee and mince pies.

‘Carols by Candlelight’ will be held this Thursday, 14th December at 7pm during which we will be launching our chosen charity for the next twelve months ‘Water Survival Boxes.’ The boxes are supplied and distributed by the Rotary Club of Chelwood to countries around the world who are in desperate need of emergency supplies and clean water. Donations at the end of the service will be gratefully appreciated and all proceeds will go to this very worthwhile cause. We hope that the community of Paulton and beyond will come and join us as we unite to celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ – all are welcome!

On Sunday, 17th December our traditional Carol Service will be led by Mr Hilary Nash commencing at 10.30am. Our Christmas Services continue on 24th December in the morning at 10.30am and the Midnight Service will commence at 11.30pm (including Holy Communion). Both Services will be led by our own minister, the Revd Christine Coram.  

Hazel Bowell