Paulton’s Party in the Park took place last month on Saturday, June 29.

Festivities started at 2pm, offering a range of entertainment in the form of song and dance, as well as some unique stalls from local traders, through to 9pm.

Children's entertainer Johnny G kept the kids enthralled with his act. ( )

It has been reported by the committee that record numbers attended this year.

Committee member Ashley Byers said: “A big thank you goes to all of the stallholders, attractions, performance bands, food and bar who made it a successful event. We also mustn’t forget our volunteers - we couldn’t do it without you all.”

Irish dancers put on a spectacular show for the crowds ( )

Paulton Infant School started the day off with a performance of their dance umbrella. Other entertainers included Irish dancers and Obsidian Cheer and Dance in the arena, whilst on the stage, music acts such as Paulton Concert Band, Loophole and Reboot played to the masses.

Paulton Infants kicked things off at Party in the Park with their 'dance umbrella'. ( )

The committee thank local companies Inside Out Mini Skip Hire and Massey and Wilcox Transport Limited for their help with executing the event. Special thanks also go to George Batchelar who masterminded the event, helped by Anne Lyons, Ashley Byers and Liz Hardman.

The committee said: “We hope you enjoyed yourselves and we look forward to our next Party in the Park in 2025.”