Plans to close a Council-owned office block in Midsomer Norton went before a scrutiny panel yesterday - after a quarter of Councillors signed a “call in” of the plan, writes Daniel Mumby.

The decision to close Wansdyke Business Centre and return the long leasehold to the market was made by Councillors Mark Roper, Bath and North East Somerset Council’s cabinet member for resources and economic development, and Richard Samuel, the Council’s cabinet member for resources.

The rationale stated: “The Wansdyke Business Centre is loss-making and requires a subsidy from the Council. If the centre were to remain in operation significant investment would be required, which in turn would result in rental charges that vastly exceed comparative market rates.”

But now a Council scrutiny panel will have a say on the move after fifteen councillors signed a “call-in” of the decision.

Led by Councillor Colin Blackburn, the Councillors accused Council officers of having an agenda against the office block.

The call-in notice states: “There has been no opportunity for elected members to scrutinise the proposal. Whilst the property services and/or economic development officers have clearly had an agenda towards this facility for a long time, their actions have never been scrutinised and the cabinet member appears to have been guided to a decision without considering the impacts to the economy, business opportunities nor the negative impact to the climate emergency objectives.

“There is no clear strategy to achieve anything with the stated aim of returning the long lease ‘to the market.’”

A report on the financial impact is being kept secret to those not on the council, under a rule that allows local authorities to “exempt” commercially sensitive information from being available to the press and public.

Three other options were considered before the decision was made to close the centre and return the lease to the market.

Refurbishment of the building into Grade A office space was judged to not be feasible. The report stated: “The space cannot be adapted easily, and the likely demand would not justify the expenditure.”

The option to “do nothing” was seen as leaving the Council exposed to rising costs, and using the building for Council staff would not be needed as there is “sufficient” office space for Council staff already.

The Council’s corporate policy development and scrutiny panel was set to discuss the decision yesterday, Monday April 3rd.