Mayor Dan Norris has warned that the government’s U-turn on climate policies makes it “unlikely” the West of England can achieve its 2030 net zero ambitions.

Responding to reports the Prime Minister is planning to water down key net-zero policies the Mayor said, “this tips the balance for the region’s goals, from really challenging to unlikely”.

The Prime Minister is expected to row back on plans to phase out new petrol cars and oil boilers, shelve plans for taxes on flying, and measures to encourage car-pooling in a bonfire of environmental commitments.

It comes after weeks of calls from disgruntled Tory backbenchers - including Liz Truss - to delay key parts of the Government's net-zero programme.

Dan Norris said: “It’s a bit rich for the Tories to be warning about bankrupting the country - most people think they’ve already done that. What’s now clear is you’re also not going to save the planet with a Tory Government.”

The Mayor went on to warn that “the Government’s plans to backtrack on climate put at risk the West of England’s net-zero ambitions.”

In light of this, he plans to update the West of England Climate Ecological Emergency Action plan. “As I’ve always said the climate isn’t something where you can go it alone - it needs local, regional, national and international action. Sadly the government aren’t playing their part. That matters for every West of England resident.

"We need climate action at all levels because we are in the midst of a climate emergency. Throwing red meat to his backbenchers while the planet is on red alert won’t impress anyone. This U-turn by the Government is deeply damaging, but unsurprising.

“We need a serious Labour government with a relentless focus on green investment and green jobs.”