Police and Crime Commissioner Clare Moody has launched a public consultation on her draft Police and Crime Plan and local police funding.

The PCC said: “I’m launching this consultation to ensure my Police and Crime Plan reflects the priorities and concerns of our area. The purpose of this plan is to set the priorities for Avon and Somerset police through to 2029.

“The priorities in the Draft Plan are based on the issues people raised with me during my campaign to become PCC and in the time since I was elected. This consultation is both your chance to comment on the draft plan itself and separately to help shape how we bring these priorities to life.

“Additionally, I would welcome your input on local police funding that is raised through your council tax. 

“I’m looking forward to your ideas and insights.”

A Police and Crime Plan is one of the legal duties of a PCC to provide the strategic direction for the police service area they oversee.

The survey will ask what you think of PCC Clare’s five priority areas and her draft plan and your ideas on how the police and partners can deliver them.

Clare’s priorities are:

  • Strengthening neighbourhood policing to provide a visible police presence, engage with communities, and tackle ASB.
  • Reducing violent crime with a focus on male violence against women and girls, and knife crime.
  • Preventing crime, working together with other organisations and the public to build safer communities.
  • Supporting victims of crime to get the help they need when they need it.
  • Improving the standards of policing so that people receive a fair and effective service.

In addition, the survey will ask you to say how much extra, if any, you are willing to pay on the policing part of your council tax bill next year (2025/2026) to fund local policing.

Around 57% of the police budget comes from central government, the other 43% is raised from the policing part of your annual council tax bill, known as the policing precept.

Every year a key legal duty of the PCC is to ask local people how much you are willing to pay in an increase to your annual council tax bill to fund local police services.

The consultation is live until the end of October, you can take part online at: https://www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/about/police-crime-plan24-29. There will also be a postal survey issued to some households across Avon and Somerset.