There is another upcoming election happening in our area.

This time, it's an election for Haydon Ward, Radstock, where they will be selecting a new Town Councillor.

As explained by Westfield Councillor Eleanor Jackson, "Normally the procedure for filling a 'casual vacancy' on a Town or Parish Council is very simple; the vacancy is advertised, one or two volunteers write in explaining why they would like what is often a thankless task, requiring much patience, and a choice is made, perhaps after the candidate has addressed the Council."

"In Haydon, unusually, a petition of ten names was presented to the unitary authority (Bath and North East Somerset Council) requesting an election. Under electoral law, an election then has to be held, regardless of cost to the taxpayer."

Five people are competing for the Town Council vacancy. One candidate will be chosen through an election which takes place next Thursday (24th August). The list includes one Conservative Party candidate and one Green Party candidate.

One of the hopefuls wrote in to our letters column this week.

I am delighted to be nominated as a candidate in the forthcoming Haydon Ward Election. 

The voting takes place at the Haydon Q Club and Village Hall on Thursday, 24th August 7am to 10pm.

Hopefully constituents should have received a leaflet about me and my vision for Haydon in the near future.

Haydon is my home and having lived in the area since 1979, I feel so lucky to be in such a wonderful rural environment.

Please consider voting, hopefully for me. I am sure we can all work together where appropriate and enjoy the quality of life even more and the many benefits it offers.   

Brian Megson, Radstock Town Council Haydon Ward Candidate