Residents of Keynsham are divided over the departure of their former MP Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Labour gained North East Somerset and Hanham from the Conservatives with a vote share of 40.6% per cent to the Tories’ 30.2 per cent.

Some residents were thrilled by the election result, while others expressed sadness at Rees-Mogg’s departure and apathy towards Labour’s plans.

Andrew Hudson, 67, said he cheered when he saw the election result. He said: “I’m a Labour man through and through, I have never voted for anybody else.

“It’s great - it’s fantastic. The Tories have been in too long, it’s good to get them out.”

On Rees-Mogg, he said: “He’s very rich, I don’t agree with any of his policies.”

Andrew said he was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2019 and was hopeful that Labour would improve the health service.

He said: “Starmer is going to reform the NHS and get waiting lists down - that would be good.”

Jill Coles, 79, who works at the Oxfam charity shop, was sad to see her Conservative MP voted out of office.

Abigail Davidson. Residents of Keynsham have given a divided reaction to the departure of their former MP Jacob Rees-Mogg. Labour gained the seat of North East Somerset and Hanham from the Conservatives with a vote share of 40.6% to the Tories’ 30.2%.Some of the town’s residents were thrilled by the election result, while others expressed sadness at Rees-Mogg’s departure and apathy towards Labour’s plans. Andrew Hudson, 67, said he cheered when he saw the election result.
Abigail Davidson. Residents of Keynsham have given a divided reaction to the departure of their former MP Jacob Rees-Mogg (SWNS)

She said: “He’s been marvellous. I know not everybody’s likes him but you can’t help where you’re born.

“He was born with a silver spoon but he didn’t have to go into politics.

“He has been a wonderful MP and I feel sad.”

Abigail Davidson, 30, who works as a carer, said she has become disillusioned with politics. “I didn’t even vote," she said.

"I didn’t really find a positive in any of them.

“I don’t really trust the government anyway because I don’t like how the country is run - people are suffering.”

Looking forward to a Labour government, she said: “I’m hoping they do what is right but I’ve got a feeling it’s just going to be worse.

“People are trying to make ends meet, people trying their hardest to work but they’re worse off. It’s just messed up.”

Mark Filer, 63, who delivers papers, said he was happy that Rees-Mogg had been voted out. “I think it’s a good job," he said.

"I am excited for a Labour government - we’ll be better off. I saw Dan Norris and I told him he’s going to win.”

Mark said he was frustrated that there weren’t more buses connecting Keynsham, Bath, and Bristol.

Bob, 63, who withheld his surname because he works in public service, was pleased to see Rees-Mogg go.

“It’s the best news I’ve heard all year," he said.